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Compact Heat Exchangers

John Hesselgreaves, Richard Law, David Reay


Compact Heat Exchangers: Selection, Design, and Operation, Second Edition, is fully revised to present the most recent and fundamental ideas and industrial concepts in compact heat exchanger technology. This complete reference compiles all aspects of theory, design rules, operational issues, and the most recent developments and technological advancements in compact heat exchangers. For more information see the Elsevier store here.



Process Intensification: Engineering for Efficiency, Sustainability and Flexibility

David Reay, Colin Ramshaw, Adam Harvey

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The first book to provide a practical working guide to understanding PI and developing successful PI solutions and applications in chemical process, civil, environmental, energy, pharmaceutical, biological and biochemical systems. It is of value to audiences looking to take current technologies into new areas as well as those looking to further its use in the chemical engineering sector. For more information, visit the Elsevier website here.




Process Intensification Technologies for Green Chemistry

Kamelia Boodhoo, Adam Harvey


The successful implementation of greener chemical processes relies not only on the development of more efficient catalysts for synthetic chemistry but also, and as importantly, on the development of reactor and separation technologies which can deliver enhanced processing performance in a safe, cost-effective and energy efficient manner. Process intensification has emerged as a promising field which can effectively tackle the challenges of significant process enhancement, whilst also offering the potential to diminish the environmental impact presented by the chemical industry. Following an introduction to process intensification and the principles of green chemistry, this book presents a number of intensified technologies which have been researched and developed, including case studies to illustrate their application to green chemical processes. For more information, visit the Wiley website here.





 Last modified: 11-Jul-2022