Announcement - Special Issue: 'Advances in Bioprocess Intensification' for Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
Submissions opening on 1st October 2020; final submission deadline of 31st January 2021

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  Prof Ian Metcalfe FREng
BSc(Eng) (Imperial College)

MA (Princeton)
PhD (Princeton)

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Research Interests

Professor Ian Metcalfe is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Newcastle University, having previously been a Professor of Chemical Engineering in both Manchester and Edinburgh and a Senior Lecturer at Imperial College.

Professor Metcalfe's work is primarily in the area of oxidation kinetics and oxide catalysis. In particular he is interested in the uses of ionically conducting materials in catalytic systems. This interest has lead to work on ceramic fuel cells, electrochemical reactors and sensors using both oxygen-ion and proton conducting systems. He has published over 100 refereed papers and is the author of a text book in the area of kinetics and reaction engineering. He is Executive Editor for Chemical Engineering Science. He is both a Chartered Chemist and a Chartered Engineer as well as being a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.


Professor Metcalfe is also a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the principal investigator of the Applications of Ion Transport Group at Newcastle University.




A full list of publications can be found here.


Contact details


Tel: +44 191 208 5279




 Last modified: 10-Sep-2020