Announcement - Special Issue: 'Advances in Bioprocess Intensification' for Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
Submissions opening on 1st October 2020; final submission deadline of 31st January 2021

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  Dr Vladimir Zivkovic


Research interests

The primary area of my research is a particle technology and multi-phase flow. My PhD project was on granular dynamics in dense granular systems with emphasis on experimental measurement using lasers (DWS, SVS) of granular temperature as an important parameter which underpins many theories for dynamic granular processes. Current interest is on study of miniaturized fluidization so called micro-fluidization.


My research vision is to investigate single particle dynamics in granular systems and relate it to the macroscopic behavior of such systems using a combination of experiments and theory so as to develop fundamental understanding and improve reliability and efficiency of industrial processes involving handling of granular materials.





List of publications available here.


Contact details





 Last modified: 10-Sep-2020