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Jonathan McDonough
temporary interruption to complete a 10 month
assistant poistion |
Process development using
oscillatory baffled mesoreactors
Process development often
involves the optimisation of a process or the
study of reaction kinetics in order to improve
product yields and selectivities whilst
increasing process robustness. By conducting
screening experiments in continuous flow,
superior heat/mass transfer rates, better
controllability and reduced processing volumes
compared to conventional batch processing can be
realised. Additionally, flow chemistry can help
minimise the challenge of scale-up. This project
involves the application of the mesoscale
oscillatory baffled reactor as a flow chemistry
screening platform. The “meso-OBR” is a ~5 mm
i.d. tubular reactor that can exploit the
benefits of flow chemistry at µL/min to mL/min
throughputs. The project is divided into a
number of different research areas outlined
1. Investigation
of the fluid mechanics of helically baffled
oscillatory flow
OBRs operate through the
superposition of oscillatory motion on to a net
flow of liquid in a baffled tube. The
oscillation of liquid induces vortex formation
behind the baffles, giving many well-mixed
tanks-in-series. Thus, a good approximation of
plug flow can be realised. The use of a helical
coil in the place of more conventional baffles
(such as orifice baffles and
smooth-constrictions) enables a wide range of
oscillation intensities to be used to achieve
plug flow. This is believed to be because of an
additional swirling element to the flow. This
study aims to investigate these flows
numerically (via CFD simulation) and
experimentally (via PIV).
2. Development of
a hybrid heat pipe-OBR for the purpose of
temperature screening and passive thermal
management of exothermic reactions
Heat pipes are heat
transfer devices that rely on the latent heat of
evaporation and condensation of a working fluid
to generate very high thermal conductivities
with minimal temperature differences. In this
work, a stainless steel heat pipe meso-OBR
hybrid (“HPOBR”) has been developed for
screening the effects of reaction temperature in
flow, and passively controlling the temperature
of exothermic reactions. A central composite
design of experiments method was used to examine
the effects of Ren, Reo and methanol fill ratio
for the solventless imination reaction between
benzaldehyde and n-butylamine. It has been shown
that 13-fold improvements in reaction rate and
20-fold reductions in processing volume
(compared to conventional solvent operation) can
be realised.
3. Screening
reaction kinetics information of an imination
reaction from in-situ FTIR data
“Multi-steady state” reactor
operation involves maintaining a particular set
of operating conditions whilst measuring the
output, before changing the operating conditions
and repeating the measurements. This allows the
effects of many different parameters such as
residence time, reaction molar ratio,
temperature, etc to be quickly observed in order
to construct a robust model of the reaction. In
this study, this screening methodology has been
applied in flow using the HPOBR and similar
jacketed meso-OBR in order to obtain the
kinetics of the solventless imination reaction
between benzaldehyde and n-butylamine.
4. Application of
3D printing to new reactor development
Fluidic oscillators are
devices that contain no moving parts, but are
able to provide oscillatory/pulsating flows
using internal feedback interactions. This part
of the PhD project has investigated the impact
of different geometrical parameters on the
flow-switching frequencies that can be obtained.
One of the ultimate goals is to develop a
no-moving-parts OBR. The development of these
devices is bolstered by 3D printing.
J.R., Phan A.N., Harvey A.P.
Rapid process development using
oscillatory baffled mesoreactors
– A state-of-the-art review.
Chemical Engineering Journal 265
(2015) 110-121
J.R., Phan A.N., Reay D.A.,
Harvey A.P. Passive
isothermalisation of an
exothermic reaction in flow
using a novel “Heat Pipe
Oscillatory Baffled Reactor
(HPOBR)”. Chemical Engineering
and Processing 110 (2016)
201-213 (http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1Tyr9w2gqcfu7)
J.R., Law R., Kraemer J., Harvey
A.P. Effect of geometrical
parameters on flow-switching
frequencies in 3D printed
fluidic oscillators containing
different liquids. Chemical
Engineering Research and Design
117 (2017) 228-239 (https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1T-Wkx-vu8p1e)
J.R., Ahmed S.M.R., Phan A.N.,
Harvey A.P. A study of the flow
structures generated by
oscillating flows in a helical
baffled tube. Currently under
review in Chemical Engineering
McDonough J.R., Phan, A.N.,
Harvey A.P. Solvent free
synthesis of an exothermic
imination reaction passively
cooled in flow using a heat pipe
oscillatory baffled reactor
(HPOBR). [Oral Presentation]. In
International Symposium on
Green Chemistry, La
Rochelle, France, 2017
J.R., Ahmed S.M.R., Phan A.N.,
Harvey A.P. A study of the flow
structures generated by
oscillating flows in a helically
baffled tube. [3-Minute Research
Highlight Talk]. In
ChemEngDayUK 2017,
University of Birmingham, UK,
J.R., Ahmed S.M.R., Phan A.N.,
Harvey A.P. A study of the flow
structures generated by
oscillating flows in a helically
baffled tube. [Poster]. In
ChemEngDayUK 2017,
University of Birmingham, UK,
J.R., Law R., Short L., Kraemer
J., Harvey A.P. Applications of
3D printed fluidic oscillators
to process intensification.
[Poster]. In ChemEngDayUK
2017, University of
Birmingham, UK, 2017
J.R., Phan A.N., Harvey A.P.
Isothermalisation: passive
temperature flattening of an
exothermic reaction using a heat
pipe oscillatory baffled reactor
(HPOBR). [Oral Presentation]. In
33rd HEXAG Meeting,
Newcastle, UK, 2016
J.R., Phan A.N., Harvey A.P.
Development of a hybrid heat
pipe reactor or continuous
temperature screening and
passive reaction exotherm
isothermalisation. [Poster]. In
5th European Process
Intensification Conference,
Nice, France, 2015